Are you prepared to deal with the scorpion box? when a scorpion appears inside your turtle pen, try and find a way to get it out. have fun!
kongregate - The scorpion lair is a point and click adventurous escape .. - You can play online the scorpion lair game within your ..
games2rule - The scorpion lair enagames-the demon is getting his form ..
bigfishgames - 8floor games presents the next magical title in the time ..
bigfishgames - Find mystery, magic, and tantalizing romance in this hidden ..
hiddenogames - Top10newgames find the magical box assume that your magical ..
hiddenogames - Top10newgames find the golden box assume that your golden ..
hiddenogames - Top10newgames find the treasure box assume that your ..
hiddenogames - Top10newgames find the jewel box assume that your jewel box ..