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Elsa’S Ice Bucket Challenge Report

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Elsa’S Ice Bucket Challenge

Oh yes! frozen elsa has been waiting for this later for hours! princess anna just nominated her for the als ice bucket challenge and since there are some ice cubes involved in this challenge she gladly accepted it and right now she’s designing the gazebo where she will deal with this troublesome challenge - can you ladies help her out? step in getting this brand new frozen game started and first of all, help queen elsa draw and then design the background in which she will take the challenge. great job, ladies! now go to the next page of the game and help cute olaf fill a bucket with cold water and don’t forget to also add some ice cubes as well in order to have together all the ingredients required by the ice bucket challenge. invite queen elsa take her place under the bucket and when you feel she’s ready to take the challenge pull the rope. next, help elsa choose a new outfit for the day and don’t forget to also accessorize it with the right pair of shoes and glittering earrings. enjoy playing ‘elsa’s ice bucket challenge’ game!


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