Chess is a game that is played since forever, that's how it seems, and this game has long been the game of gentleman, geniuses, philanthropists and other gifted people. because of that, there was an impression that lasted for many years that only geniuses and gifted people are able to play the game and it is strictly designed for them. actually the reality of chess is quite different since it is actually an incredibly beneficial pastime for everyone. playing chess results in better brain function, superior memory and cognitive abilities, including better strategic thinking and attention improvement. those benefits are linked to the practice of chess, equally in real-life and virtual environments, making chess to be a game that is fun and you can get numerous benefits from it. gordon's grandfather plays chess since he knows about himself. this game is something very beneficial for him since he trains his brain and keeps it in a good condition no matter if he is getting older and at the same time he is having incredible fun. that's why he was willing to teach gordon how to play this game when he was much younger and they play together every time they have a chance. this weekend gordon stays at his grandfather's house and since they both enjoy playing chess, they spend most of the time doing this interesting and useful activity. but it is always like that with those chess figures – they seem big enough for playing but in case that you lose one of them, it is always hard to find it. this time gordon's grandfather has lost one so he has asked gordon if he could help him find it.
kongregate - This weekend, gordon decided to visit his grandfather. his .. - You can play online find king chess piece game within your ..
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a strategy chess-like ..
crazygames - Anti chess introduces you to a twisted world, in which the ..
freeonlinegames - Dungeon chess is a strategic puzzle game with roguelike ..
qgames - Shape shifter chess is an infinite procedural generated ..
kongregate - Chess master is a giant chessboard with a number of chess ..
qgames - You have to conquer all the squares on the board with chess ..