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Tiger Rescue Report

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Tiger Rescue

Avmgames - avm tiger rescue is another point and click escape game developed by avm games. it's hunting season. this is the season that you really hate because of animal cruelty. you believe that these animals deserve to be free just like humans. however, the hunters don't think this way. they enjoy hunting the animals especially the wild ones. most of the time, they hunt tigers. your job is to free these animals during hunting season. since everyone is on break, this is now your chance to execute your plan. the tiger is in the cage and you have to help him to escape as soon as possible. you don't have the key that can open the cage so you have to move around and look for items that you can use to open the door. the good news is, there are so many objects in the place. there are also lots of clues that can help you to solve this puzzle quickly. with that, all that's left for you to do is to use your logic so you can help the tiger to get back into the wild. good luck and have fun!

TagsPoint And Click Puzzle Escape

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