terrorist games

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play Effin' Terrorists 2

Terrorists have struck again! can you take them all down before its too late?!

play 007 Charles 2

007 Charles 2

Mar 6th, 2012 y8.com play 007 Charles 2 on y8.com

Prince charles invites barack obama to the uk but guess what the kkk have come to get him do you think our hero can stop them?

play Massive Mayhem 3

Create combo killings, bloody carnage and massive mayhem!

play Philadelphia Ctu

You must kill all 45 terrorist in order to complete the mission and save the hostages. your night vision scope will become activ

play Stick Strike

Stick Strike

Mar 6th, 2012 y8.com play Stick Strike on y8.com

Sticks has gone bad with this counterstrike game. go on different missions, select maps and game types, and the number of friend

play Operation Anti-Terror

You are a soldier of the elite anti-terrorist squad and your mission is to eliminate all terrorist in the libyan region.

play Bush Royal Rampage

You are president bush and you must protect the queen against the baddies that hunts her down. you must also be aware that there

play S.W.A.T 2 - Tactical Sniper

As a tactical sniper pro you have to accomplish widely differing missions in the shooter game swat 2 and reading the briefings i

play Laden Vs Obama

Laden Vs Obama

Mar 6th, 2012 y8.com play Laden Vs Obama on y8.com

Not to ascend the dead brother? he is not easy, you should be the biggest potential.

play Bush - Isms

Bush - Isms

Mar 6th, 2012 y8.com play Bush - Isms on y8.com

Click to bash any baddies.

play Missionosama


Mar 6th, 2012 y8.com play Missionosama on y8.com

Mission osama is a game of shooting osama, world’s most wanted terrorist in a building.

play Soldiers Raid Osama

The soldiers are back, they have teamed up with the u.s. navy seals to raid osama bin laden's secret compound and bring him to j

play Bad Dudes Vs. Bin Laden

Osama bin laden has been captured. are you a bad enough dude to kick his ass?

play Osama Sissy Fight

Click on whatever you want to do to osama. jab, power, right hook, upper cut, low blow and death.

play Soldiers


Mar 6th, 2012 y8.com play Soldiers on y8.com

Blast baddies in this top-down shooter. throw flash, smoke, and grenades. make distant sniper shots.

play The Strangers 4

Take your team of snipers into hostile territory. plan your assaults and execute! careful, though - these are dangerous times...

play Waste Land 2154

Another exciting 3d game, kill all enemies arriving from different areas

play Counter Strike Source

Join the elite counter forces in gunning down your enemies with your awesome shooting skills. good luck and enjoy!

play Talivan Launch

Talivan Launch

Mar 6th, 2012 y8.com play Talivan Launch on y8.com

Stupid red light cameras. stupid police vans. if only i could use one to destroy the other...

play Ultimate Force 2

Second installment of the game ultimate force. fight against terrorist and stay alive.

play Counter Strike Revenge

Counter strike revenge is a shooter game in which you have to succeed through 3 stages. starting with a warm up you have to show

play Terrorist_Buster_Dk

Flash game online, shoot'em up and protect the civilian otherwise terrorists have a chance to shoot you, cool graphics, great ga

play Terrorists In Uranus

Your home planet, uranus, has been invaded by a group of evil terrorists who have got their hands on some top military equipment

play Terrorist_Buster_Ph

Flash game online, shoot'em up and protect the civilian otherwise terrorists have a chance to shoot you, cool graphics, great ga